Sunday, 31 December 2017

My 2017 Yearly Round Up

It has come to that time of the year, where we say good bye to the delights/horrors that they year has thrown at us and open ourselves up to a brand new year.
Back in 2014 I did a yearly round up on my blog, where I talked about blog success, personal life and genuinely how my year went. I feel like with how much I share on social media, there is definitely a lack of personal life throughout and although you may all know what my favourite red lipstick shade is, chances are you do not know my boyfriend’s name.

This year has been a bit of a corker for me, so I thought I would write it down on my website. In years to come I will look back on this and think, crikey, I forgot about that! Or future employers will find it and learn loads about my personal life… ANYHOW lets go.

January –
An amazing thing that I got to do in January was travel to Budapest, Hungary, with my boyfriend George. It was our first trip together, and already feels like well over a year ago. Baring in mind the temperature was around -10 degrees, exploring the ruined bars, thermal baths (always with a hot chocolate on hand) was incredible, and I could not have asked for someone better to spend this trip with.

In January I took control over the forming of a music magazine at my university. It has been amazing to create a team of like minded human beings, create events, have a functioning online magazine and generally make new friends. It has taught me more about the music industry as it goes on, people management and how to make something grow from nothing.

Other than that, I was back in London with a bang. Refreshers… happened and I spent valuable time with the ones I adore in London.

February –

On a real note, a dropped a lot of weight off in February, it tends to be the case after Christmas when I get back into Pole Fitness and attending the gym that this happens.
I attended a very cool art gallery with some of my best mates, which created a joyous amount of Instagram content. I even sang in a pub with my dad one evening!

One of the last things I did in February was venture up to Newcastle to celebrate one of my best friend Julia’s birthday. I absolutely love visiting Newcastle, and although I am not use to not wearing a jacket on a night out, or the amount of alcohol consumed in the north, I always have a cracking time with amazing company.

March –

In march I had my wonderful quirky and frankly much cooler than me cousin Rhos visit, which was delightful.

It was also George’s 21st birthday which was super enjoyable to celebrate in London and his home town in Oakham, Rutland.
I also managed to surprise one of my best friend’s Abby up in Newcastle for her birthday, if I can import the video I will because frankly it was adorable.

April –

This month was a full on month for 1. Assessments 2. Gigs 3. Nights out/partying.
Apart from all that a very exciting thing that happened in April - I got a job! Huzzar! I was on the beach in Norfolk and after 3 interviews they rang me to give me the good news. This is how happy I was about it (taken on the same day for thisblogpost).

May –

In may I had started my training at my new job, the weather had also started to get a bit warmer which meant more exploring in London! It was not a particularly active month of my life, as I was working 38 hours a week for the month.

June –

June came along and BANG, we were hit with politics month. I am going to try not to sugar coat this and say; I was pretty devastated. As we have a cardboard cut out of Jerome Corbyn in our house/now flat… I will let you take that how you like.

This month brought Emily (George’s Sister) and Chris’ wedding. It was such a pleasure to get to see Eddie, Will and George walk Emily down the aisle and I would be lying if I said it was not extremely emotional. A beautiful wedding for two beautiful humans! Very happy for you both.

Grandma's Engagement ring, reset for my 21st

As well as this, In June, I TURNED 21!!!!!! I know. Old right. I mainly celebrated at home in Norfolk, with a gorgeous meal at the rooftop gardens in Norwich with my family and George, a meal with friends at Zizi’s, and a spa day with my wonderful mum and two of my best friends.

July –

We took copious amounts of pictures, enjoyed the sunshine amazing food and drinks and generally un-winded. The highlight of the holiday for me was the KRKA waterfalls and the beautiful sunset cruise.


I also visited the Tate Modern in July with some of my main London gal pals. As well as celebrating Luisa’s 21st birthday in Norwich with loads of my best friends!

August –
PRIDE! One of my highlights of my whole year, getting to attend Pride in Brighton with my friend Ellie and stay at my cousin Rhos’ was so much fun! I cannot explain how amazing it is to be in a city full of people who are completely accepting, embracing new and different, well apart from hearing someone saying bisexuality does not exist – but that’s just bi-erasure for ya.

As well as this we also had a lovely family weekend with Dad’s side of the family, It was so nice for George to get to meet them. The weekend contained Norfolk walks, barbeque's, sunshine, sing a longs and general family fun.

In August we moved into our new flat, a down stairs but still spacious room wise all the same! Although it has had its issues… without going into too much detail, I love living in a better location in Ealing and the flat dynamic is so much better.

September –
This month was a bit up and down. It had a really bad moment which I won’t delve into for personal reasons, but unfortunately someone died.
I think the best way to talk about this month is to talk about the good things that happened. Me and George ventured to Palma Mallorca, and had such a relaxing holiday in a 4* hotel. It was lovely.

October –

Pole fitness started up again in October and it is something I have thoroughly enjoyed throughout 2017, I would recommend it to anyone.

Also I got to see my BAE perform (Gabrielle Aplin) at the ULU London which was just insane. She’s got the most beautiful voice ever, check this playlist

THIS IS ALSO THE MONTH I ACCIDENTALLY WENT DARK RED AND THEN GINGER. But we’re not gonna talk about that. Ha. (Video)

November –

Honestly this month was quite university heavy. With a lot of essays/reports to do, meetings, plans for the university magazine. It took up a lot of my time. Some highlights I have from this month are seeing Ady Suleiman at the Jazz Café Camden, attending the Long Way Home Agency Launch & Sun arcana gig.

Although my favourite has to be my 2 years with G. J

Reality: Uni Work, Work, Driving back and forward from London because of my job.
I did get my hair dyed into a balayage and attend a really good circus in Great Yarmouth at the hippodrome (no animals), but other than that… it was Christmas!


I’m not sure what 2018 is going to bring me, I hope it is a year full of success.

Lots of love,



  1. I love all the photos of you travelling and having fun with your fabulous friends! You obviously have many wonderful memories from this last year to cherish. Wishing you a very happy and successful year 2018 and many more wonderful years to come!


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