A beautiful watch, with a face to remember. Klaus Kobec.

So. This watch has has featured on my Instagram & Twitter NUMEROUS times... I can't help it because it's so damn beautiful. I received this gifted watch by the Klaus Kobec team... http://klauskobec.de
As you all know, pastel pink is a muse of mine at the minute. The watch face features a gorgeous mother of pearl back ground with a simple and understated 'klaus kobec' unlike many watches that over advertise their brands. It's gorgeous simplicity is eye catching and the endless compliments I have received prove that. I cannot begin to express how much I would recommend these watches to every single one of you.
I just thought I would show you a few other beautiful specimens from their range that I am dying to get my hands on. A few not so pink ones! Wish list alert :D
Can you see the beautiful simplicity?! I know I keep saying it, but buying one of Klaus Kobec's watches is one of the best decisions you will ever make.
Please take a minute to follow their social media to keep up to date with their new ranges and items!
If you are interested in purchasing a gorgeous watch from Klaus Kobec please visit:
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Love Han
That is a beautiful watch !!